The law and enforcement body of India, ED (Enforcement Directorate), tracked down the movable assets of Rs.6.47 Crore, including Rs.71.3 lakh in the form of Crypto Currency in the China-linked Part Time Job fraud case.
According to the ED, some Chinese personals developed a mobile app named ‘Keepsharer’ to trap Indian youth. They also opened fake companies in India and hired Indian staff as directors, translators, HR Managers, and Tele callers.
KeepSharer was deceiving young minds by offering part-time jobs in which they had to complete the task of liking the videos of celebrities and uploading them on social media.
On completing the task, Rs. 20 per video was credited to the Keepsharer wallet.
The money fetched from this were routed to multiple bank accounts held by fake companies or individuals. Afterward, this fund was converted into cryptocurrency and transferred to China-based crypto exchanges.
Under the Money Laundering Act, ED is not hunting the 12 entities involved in the case, and Rs. 5.85 crore has been seized till now. China has a long history of engaging in illicit activity through mobile applications in India. Previously, the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, ordered the banning of 232 Chinese apps in the country, citing national security concerns.
Also Read: Indian Regulators Freeze Rs 3.4 Crore in Morris Coin Crypto Case
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