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McKinsey is now using its own generative AI tool called Lilli.
The tool is named after Lillian Dombrowski, the first woman
McKinsey hired for a professional services role in 1945.
The Lilli tool is customized but has features familiar to
generative AI tools like a chat-like text box. Unlike most
generative AI tools, Lilli provides a separate “Sources”
section below every single response, along with links and even page
numbers from which the model drew its response.
Also unique to Lilli is the ability to upload client data.
McKinsey senior partner Erik Roth, who led the Lillli’s
development is quoted in the article as saying: “Lilli has the
capacity to upload client data in a very safe and secure way… we
can think about use cases in the future where we’ll combine our
data with our clients data, or just use our clients’ data on
the same platform for greater synthesis and exploration…anything
that we load into Lilli, goes through an extensive compliance risk
assessment, including our own data.”
The goal of the tool is for McKinsey consultants to use it with
almost every step of their work, including gathering research,
drafting proposals, and crafting work product.
Lilli is an example of how generative AI is finding its way into
professional services firms. Reports are that consultants,
accountants, and lawyers are all finding ways to incorporate
generative AI into their businesses.
The future of generative AI applications is uncertain but it is
clear that professionals using AI will have an advantage over those
that don’t.
McKinsey consultants would use Lilli through nearly
every step of their work with a client, from gathering initial
research on the client’s sector and competitors or comparable
firms, to drafting plans for how the client could implement
specific projects. VentureBeat’s demo of Lilli showed off such
versatility: Lilli was able to provide a list of internal McKinsey
experts qualified to speak about a large e-commerce retailer, as
well as an outlook for clean energy in the U.S. over the next
decade, and a plan for building a new energy plant over the course
of 10 weeks.…
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.
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